Kids of Maseno
Maseno Deaf Self Help Group

Maseno Deaf Self Help Group

Maseno Deaf Self Help Group

MASENO DEAF SELF HELP GROUP  (MDSHG) was founded in March 10th 2005  and registered under the Ministry of Social Service within the law of Kenya. MDSHG is an non-profit organization operating within Maseno School for the Deaf. It has considered the need and necessity for a self-help group to cater for the welfare and the interest of the Deaf within Maseno, Luanda and part of Kisumu in Nyanza Province of Kenya.

MDSHG expects to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Raising funds for the implementation of the project activities

  2. Trying to establish various projects to employ members (unemployed) in the activities

  3. Offering career guidance and consulting

  4. Cooperating with partners to implement projects and activities

  5. Assisting and encouraging the formation of a Deaf women’s self-help group and other programs

  6. Supporting the school students and equip them with skills of personal responsibility and self-reliance

  7. Facilitation of Deaf Culture (e.g. the use of Sign Language)

  8. Promoting Deaf- awareness to the hearing community members to encourage parents who have Deaf children to take them to school

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