Kenya: Activities from January to April 2013
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Kenya: Activities from January to April 2013

written by Austine Otieno

On behalf of Kids of Maseno Kenya, l would like to thank Kids of Maseno e.V. in Germany and all individuals who have made the activities below a success: Kids of Maseno e.V. in Germany has been cooperating with us by getting sponsors for our kids and has participated in the construction of the orphanage by raising funds. The team abroad raises awareness of the project and organizes internships. Furthermore, thanks go to individuals who have been helping us in terms of material and financial support through Kids of Maseno e.V. in Germany.

Last but not least, l would like to thank members and staff and friends of Kids of Maseno Kenya for their commitment. It has not always been easy to manage our projects but with everybody’s effort, we have made many things possible. The following list consists of some of the activities which have taken place in 2013 so far:

Children's home1. Construction of the children’s home

The construction of the first house has been resumed in January. A lot of things have been done since the construction had first started in November 2011. Only a few works remain to be completed: a final touch on the walls outside, window glass and the furnishing of the building.

2. Chicken and rabbits

We decided with relatives of the kids from our sponsor list to generate some income. Thus, the kids have a more secure life in our new children’s centre. Relatives donated more than 40 hens. The eggs will be used to feed the children and the surplus can be sold.

In addition, the children’s relatives donated 10 rabbits which will further secure the food supply of the children’s home.

Chicken and rabbitsChicken

4. Participation in national sports event for deaf and deaf blind children

Physical Education is an important subject in our curriculum and the children have participated in many extra-curricular sport activities. All their work and effort have paid off in the participation in the “Sport Games for the Deaf and Deaf Blind Children”. This event took place from April 14th to 24th 2013. Kids of Maseno is proud that our children reached the national levels. Our boys and girls who are deaf and some who are deaf blind did well and were awarded with certificates. It is amazing to see deaf blind children doing activities like running and playing. Look at the nice pictures below to see how much fun they had.

National Sports EventNational Sports EventNational Sports EventNational Sports Event

5.  Easter Celebration

Some members and well-wishers donated food which was given to our kids in Maseno. The kids enjoyed their Easter meal a lot and spend a wonderful day. Some of the pictures taken during the day are shown below.

6. Sign language training:

At the moment, there are two sign language classes with three students each: One in Siaya and one in Kisumu. Currently, we have 3 students who are in the class. They pay a very low fee of 1500 shs per month. The money is used to feed the rabbits and the poultry.

7. Toys and used clothes gifts:

Kids of Maseno Kenya received gifts in form of toys and clothes donated by the Stobbe family and their friends. We distributed these among our orphans who have now enough clothes for warm and cold weather and stuffed animals to keep them company.

8. Sponsorship of kids

Currently, there are 21 orphans in the sponsorship list. They can now smile and resume school after poverty initially denied them their right to education



Construction of the children’s home