Kids of Maseno
Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers (KFDT)

Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers (KFDT)

Kids in Maseno
Pupils of Maseno School for the Deaf

The Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers was founded in 2003 by a group of Deaf teachers in Kenya. It was registered in 2006 and has its head office in Kisumu City. It has 8 branches in each province of Kenya. Currently the Federation keeps over 100 Deaf members busy.
The Federation has different membership categories including ordinary association and honoring members.
The Federation focuses on the Deaf education to provide means for cooperation among its members and the expression of their collective views and decision affecting the interest of Deaf education, the teaching profession in Kenya and  sponsorships for projects (e.g. Sign Language workshops for parents of Deaf children, Sign Language awareness campaigns to the general public, Sign Language research, career guidance and health education to the Deaf, education in sports and among others).

  • Achievements

1.Raising awareness for the Deaf
2.Organizing seminars for members and teachers through collaboration with the Global Deaf Connection.
3.Participating in organizations of drama, sports etc for the Deaf in Kenya
4.Providing health education
5.Equality of the Deaf in socio-political and economic matters

  • Problems

Since the Federation is very young its achievement depends on hard working members. Funds, sponsorships and contributions (up to now from members and partnerships with other organizations like the Global Deaf Connection) are needed to be able to carry on the achievements.

  • Requests

The Federation is a non-profit organization. We depend on donors and well wishers to enable us carrying out the activities. We therefore appeal to any group or individual to help us in contribution towards any of the activities below:
1.Sign Language awareness raising
2.Health education
3.Sponsoring a project like deaf children sports to raise awareness in public

  • Plan of Action
  1. Seeking for funds to assist in carrying out of the activities.

  2. Organizing and carrying out stuff training.

  3. Giving public awareness about Kenya Federation of Deaf Teachers (KFDT) and problems facing Deaf teachers and Deaf in the country.

  4. Organizing seminars for parents of the Deaf in order to help them understand their children (Teaching KSL, information about Deafness and Deaf education)

Kids in Maseno
Pupils in front of a classroom

Target groups of KFDT are:
-Deaf children
-Parents of Deaf children
-Deaf teachers
-Government, NGOs and other organizations interesting in support the Deaf people
-Schools for the Deaf
-Deaf communities

Programs of the Kenyan Federation of Deaf Teachers

1. Education

KFDT plays a major rule in:
a] providing technical support to the institution for the Deaf in order to improve Deaf education.
b] Involving in curriculum developments for the Deaf in conjunctions with the Kenya Institute of Education.
c] Encouraging deaf students to be trained as teachers
d] Facilitate the use of Sign Language in schools and in the general public

2. Bursary and sponsorship:

KFDT has established a bursary scheme from which deaf children, who are orphans and whose parents are unable to pay the boarding fees, get financial support. These kind of help supports them to get access to primary, post primary or college education.
Estimated 80% of the Deaf people in Kenya have never entered a classroom. We call for help to enable many Deaf children to get access to the educational system and to stop the drop in education.

3. Publicity:

Kids are playing volleyball
Kids are playing volleyball

KFDT is currently carrying out public campaigns to disseminate information about the different programmes to create awareness to the public about the Deaf community.

– Organizing of seminaries and workshops to make the community aware of the needs of deaf children and adults in the country.
– Organizing sport events for both deaf children and a adults.

– Sign language awareness creation to the general public

4. Health:

KFDT is carrying out health programmes to the deaf people on emergency issues like Aids/HIVS, smoking, etc. Most of these activities are carried out through awareness events like sports, drama and seminars.

5. Fundraising

The Federation relies on voluntary and financial contributions from individuals and organizations to carry out its activities.
For this reason KFDT is involved in fundraising programmes inside and outside the country.

Your engagement:
You can help the KFDT to achieve its activities by:

  • Sponsoring a Deaf child or a Deaf student who wants to join promary school, secondary school  or college.
  • Giving donation to KFDT and help the federation in fundraising.
  • Providing your skills on a voluntary basis to KFDT (e.g.  an internship).
  • Engagement and support (ideally, personally or financially) to help the KFDT in organizing sports, drama or seminars.
  • Assisting the KFDT to create more acceptance of the Deaf in the Kenyan community

4 Kommentare


    am a teacher teaching chemistry and mathematics in rev.muhoro sec school for the deaf. i have an extra interest in deaf child since i joined that school i iniciated school basket ball with improvised equipments which my boys suprised many regular schools they defeated.Even if my boys have never gone beyond regional level after being challenged by giants like NYERI HIGH KAGUMO HIGH ST
    MARY BOYS my boys never lost hope

  2. Margaret Odhiambo

    I am one of the founding member of this Non Profit Organization. Since my departure to the US there has been little done by the group. i would encourage all to collaborate and work together with the Ministry of Education, Kenya Institute of Education, KISE among others. There is need to address the status of education of our deaf children and the issue of quality teachers posted in deaf schools.

    There is still much to address in this website. So please do add more information like focusing on other parts of the country not only Maseno school. We have many schools for the deaf so what they are experiencing must be put here too.

    Make it a way to market the organization if we want to be heard and/or seen and get support from well wishers. That is how things should work I think.

    Thank you for keeping the organization alive and kicking.

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